Creative Tag Cloud

Spiral Tag Cloud


The shortcode draws the tags in a spiral.


See all parameters.


[creative_spiral_tag_cloud color=1 height=500px direction=ccw smallest=10 largest=46 separator="|" custom_title="This tag was used for {count} posts!" reduce_factor=3]


This tag was used for 4 posts! plugins | This tag was used for 3 posts! shortcode | This tag was used for 2 posts! tags | This tag was used for 2 posts! tag cloud | This tag was used for 2 posts! redirect | This tag was used for 1 posts! PHP | This tag was used for 1 posts! dictionary | This tag was used for 1 posts! spiral | This tag was used for 1 posts! waves |


[creative_spiral_tag_cloud color=1 cycles=auto height=500px start=left line_height_factor=2separator="*"]


(4) plugins * (3) shortcode * (2) tags * (2) tag cloud * (2) redirect * (1) PHP * (1) dictionary * (1) spiral * (1) waves *